7. Self-Sustaining, Self-Procreating, Self Devouring, Self- creating Lord.
7.1 There are more than 50 Namas, consecrated to Him, eulogizing His prowess for Self-Procreation, self devouring, self creation and self sustenance. While they may all look apparently as prayers to the Lord, they, perhaps, have a significance on the Earth itself, which, having been created in a fraction of a second, sustains itself over the last billions of years. Let us therefore, look into these Namas and their likely scientific significance.
7.1.1 Some of the Namas are:-
1) Twashta: Sloka 6 Namas 52 One who destroys everything at the time of deluge.
2) Sthavira Dhruvah: Sloka 6 Nama 54 Old and stable (or certainly old!)
3) Agrahyah: Sloka 7 Nama 55 Can not be understood by organs of action.
4) Saaswatah: Sloka 7 Nama 56 Present all through, permanent.
5) Jyeshta: Sloka 8 Nama 67 The first.
6) Sreshta: Sloka 8 Nama 68 The foremost.
7) Bhugarbha: Sloka 8 Nama 71 Protects the earth, in constant turmoil, with in his
8) Vikramah: Sloka 9 Nama 78 One who has measured the ends of the world.
9) Krama: Sloka 9 Nama79 Occupying everything on earth.
10) Viswarethasa: Sloka 10 Nama 88 the causative seed of the world.
11) Prajaabhavaya: Sloka 10 Nama 89 Cause for The creation of life.
12) Ajaayah: Sloka 11 Nama 95 One without birth.
13) Siddhaaya: Sloka 11 Nama 97 Omnipresent, all the time
14) Siddhaya: Sloka 11 Nama 98 Revealing his luminous presence. On his own to
the devoted.
15) Sarvaadaye: Sloka 11 Nama 99, The root cause for everything in the World.
16) Vishwayonaye: Sloka 13 Nama 117, Also Sloka 16 Nama 149, The genital
(Female) for the birth
of the whole universe, the cause for the creation of this World.
17) Varaarohaaya: Sloka 13 Nama 121, Who has attained such an exalted place
which, once attained, one never comes back.
18) Sarvagaaya:Sloka 14 Nama 123 Goes anywhere and everywhere.
19) Sangrahaaya: Sloka 17 Nama 158 Destroys everything at the time of
deluge or could mean –An enlightened man has no personal motive. Out of compassion for the ignorant, He ceaselessly works descending down to the level of the followers and their level of intelligence. Seeing Him at work, the others follow. The rigours of rites and rituals are given up so that the others would be able to understand and follow up, until they are ready to rise to the next higher level ( Geeta 3.25) Lokasangraham.
20) Sargah : Sloka 17 Nama 159, The embodiment of creation.
21) Dhrutaatma: Sloka 17 Nama 160, Stable with out birth or death.
: Sloka 18 Nama170 The great illusionist.
23) Anirdesya Vapusha: Sloka 19 Nama 177 One, whom it is impossible to point out
as of one Rupa or appearance.
24) Mahaadridhruk: Sloka 19 Nama 180 One who lifts huge mountains.
25) Maheshvasa: Sloka 20 Nama 181 A great archer.
26) Mahi Bharta: Sloka 20 Nama 182 Lifting the earth to keep it in position.
27) Amrutyave: Sloka 22 Nama 198 Without destruction.
28) Ajaaya: Sloka 22 Nama 204 One without the conventional mode of birth, through
29) Dharaneedharaaya: Sloka 25 Nama 235 One who holds the earth.
30) Vishwadhrushe: Sloka 26 Nama 238 Unmindful of good or evil, holds and
sustains the earth and all on it.
31) ViswaBhuje: Sloka 26 Nama 239 Eats the world at the time of deluge.
32) Vibhava: Sloka 26 Nama 240 One with multi appearances.
33) JagatSetava: Sloka 31 Nama 288 One who shores up the world, separating the
good from evil.
34) Yagaadikruta: Sloka 33 Nama 300, One who created the different periods
between and after each major deluge, like Treta yuga. Dwapara
Yuga etc.
35) Yugaa Vartaaya: Sloka 33 Nama 301 Creating the different yugas (the period)
again and again.
36) Mahaasanaaya: Sloka 33 Nama 303 One who eats a lot because He devours huge
parts of the earth at the time of each deluge.
37) Samayagyaaya : Sloka 39 Nama 358 One who knows the exact timing for
creation, sustenance and destruction and therefore, treats
everything with equanimity.
38) Havir Haraye: Sloka 39 Nama 359 One who takes the offering ( Havir) in the
Yagas , “I am verily the enjoyer and the Lord of all yagnas. But,
these men do not know Me in reality; hence, they fall”.Geeta 9.24.”
I am the Adhiyagna here in this body.” Geeta 8.4.
39) Udbhavaaya: Sloka 41 Nama 373. Responsible for the creation of the world and
beyond the bondage of worldliness “The seven great Rishis and the
four ancient Manus, endowed with my power, were born of My
mind; and from them have come forth all creatures in the world”
Geeta 10.6
The seven great Rishis Bhrigu, Marichi, Atri, Pulah, Pulastya, Kratu and Angiras, as well as the four ancient Manus, Svarochisha, Svayambhu, Raivata and Uttama, were all not of human origin. They are all personifications of the several phases of cosmic reality. The seven Rishis are said to be the originators of beings at all levels of existence and all grades of evolution. The four ancient Manus function as the orderly administrators, of the entire creation.
40) Kshobhana: Sloka 41 Nama 374 At the time of creation, plays the role in unison
between Purusha and Prakriti.
41) Vikartra: Sloka 41 Nama 381 Creator of the myriad world and its contents.
42) Kshaamaaya1: Sloka 47 Nama 443 Standing alone and above the deluge, at
the time of deluge.
43) Sameehanaaya:Sloka 47 Nama 444 One who likes the role of creation.
44) Amitavikramaaya: Sloka 55 Nama 516 One who has countless number of steps
or strength beyond measure.
45) Mahodhadhisaya: Sloka 55 Nama 519 One who is lying down in the ocean at
the time of deluge.
46) Andaka: Sloka 55 Nama 520 The cause of the end of the world at the time of
47) Vedasa: Sloka 59 Nama 547 Creator (of the unlimited, auspicious, myriad things
of the world).
48) Swaangaaya: Sloka 59 Nama 548 He is his own cause and effect.
49) Sangarshanaachyutaaya: Sloka 59 Nama 552 Grasping all the movable and
immovable objects towards him at the time of deluge
destroying them while He himself remains above
them all and undisturbed and untainted.
50) Sanksheptre: Sloka 64 Nama 598 Reducing the size of the world at the time of
51) Mahaahavisha: Sloka 72 Nama 678 At the time of deluge when huge chunks of
the earth are offered as oblation in the Yaga, He himself becomes
the offered ( Mahahavis ).
52) Havisha: Sloka 74 Nama 698 He himself is the Havis, the oblation offered.
" Brahmarpanam Brahma havir brahmaagnam brahmanaa hutam
Brahmai’va tena gantavyam
Brahma karma samaadhinaa” Geeta 4.24.
“ The oblation is Brahman, the clarified butter is Brahman, offered by Brahman in the fire of Brahman; into Brahman verily he goes who cognizes Brahman alone in his action”. We chant this mantra in Sraaddha, while performing the Ahuti.
7.1.2 Most of the Namas that follow also, from Sloka 75 till end praise and eulogise His divine manifestation. And, as the Lord Himself says. “But, what need is there, O Arjuna for this detailed knowledge? I stand supporting the whole universe with a single fragment of myself “ Geeta 10.4.2
7.1.3 Therefore, we shall skip much of these Namas and just mention four more, which appear towards the end of the Naamaavali.
53) Atmayonayeh:Sloka 106 Nama 985 Himself being the genital (female) like a
herma- Phrodite, in other words, source for the conception and
birth of the world.
54) Swayam Jaataaya: Sloka 106 Nama 986 He is the cause for His own birth.
55) Vaikaanaaya: Sloka 106 and Nama 987 Who dug the earth in his Varaha Avatar.
56) Saamagaanaaya: Sloka 106 Nama 998 Signing the Saamagaanaam in
commemoration of His having given liberation to those who
surrendered unto Him.
7.1.4 As mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, all these Namas praise Him for the way the earth and its life, created by Him, have been constantly created, sustained, devoured and recreated by Him, again, and again, in various periods of time. Let us see briefly how this tallies with the geological history of Earth and the life on it.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
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