5. Scientific Significanc of Some Names Related to the Status of the Universe, its Creation etc.
5.1.1 A number of names that follow describe the primordial nature of the Lord and His linkage with the universe. For eg,
SWAYAMBHU – (Sloka 5, Nama 37) origin without conventional reproduction as we
ADITYAH - Sloka 5 Nama 39 - Even as the sun illuminates the whole world, so is the Paramatman who gives spiritual luminosity to the entire universe. The various uses to which the intellect puts it, good or bad or indifferent, does not affect the luminosity of the source of that light.
MAHASVANAH Sloka 5 Nama 41 - One with a powerful voice- even as the particular notes of a drum, conch or flute have no separate existence from the general note of these instruments, but, when played in an order of sequence, produces melodious music, so the knowledge of the existing universe in the waking and dream states has no validity of its own, apart from the intelligence (Brahman) which pervades it. As breath comes out of a man without any thought or effort, so too do the externally existing Vedas with their various subdivisions issue spontaneously out of Brahman. This differentiated universe, before its origin, is nothing but Brahman (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, chapter 2.4.7 to 10)
ANAADHI NIDHANA - Sloka 5 Nama 42 without beginning or end.
DHAATAA - Sloka 5 Nama 43 one who supports the world.
APRAMEYA - Sloka 6 Nama 46 beyond logical explanation.
PADMANABHA - Sloka 6 Nama 48 the lotus from the naval. Pushkaram, Pundareekam, Padmam, Chakram are all counts of numbers like ten, hundred, thousand, etc. Padmam is hundred thousand crores or a trillion. The age of the earth is estimated at about 4.5 billion years. Clearly, one is symbolically talking a trillion years before, the universe, the Milky way represented by the stem of the lotus and Brahma at the end of it, as the Solar System.
VISWAKARMA - Sloka 6 Nama 50 one who created this universe.
MANUH - Sloka 6 Nama 51 (literally), one who thinks of everything – He who dwells in all beings but is within them, whom none of the beings knows, where body is all beings, and who controls all beings from within, the inner controller-your own self and immortal. He’s never seen but is the seer, never thought but the thinker, never known but the knower. He is the inner controller (Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad chapter 3.7 23).
Prakriti, by itself is inert. Purusha, on its own does not function. But, when the two join life results and function in various forms depending upon the type of prakriti where Purusha has entered. The Purusha functions in the body he has entered as a spectator, permittor, supporter, enjoyer, the Lord and the Supreme self, in that order, depending upon the level of intellect Brahma Gnanam, attained (Bhagwad Geeta, chapter 13,21 and 22).
TWASHTA : Sloka 6 Nama 52 – One who destroys everything at the time of deluge (Pralaya).
5. Some Names Related to the Status of the Universe, its Creation etc and the Scientific Significance.
5.1.1 A number of names that follow describe the primordial nature of the Lord and His linkage with the universe. For eg,
SWAYAMBHU – (Sloka 5, Nama 37) origin without conventional reproduction as we
ADITYAH - Sloka 5 Nama 39 - Even as the sun illuminates the whole world, so is the Paramatman who gives spiritual luminosity to the entire universe. The various uses to which the intellect puts it, good or bad or indifferent, does not affect the luminosity of the source of that light.
MAHASVANAH Sloka 5 Nama 41 - One with a powerful voice- even as the particular notes of a drum, conch or flute have no separate existence from the general note of these instruments, but, when played in an order of sequence, produces melodious music, so the knowledge of the existing universe in the waking and dream states has no validity of its own, apart from the intelligence (Brahman) which pervades it. As breath comes out of a man without any thought or effort, so too do the externally existing Vedas with their various subdivisions issue spontaneously out of Brahman. This differentiated universe, before its origin, is nothing but Brahman (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, chapter 2.4.7 to 10)
ANAADHI NIDHANA - Sloka 5 Nama 42 without beginning or end.
DHAATAA - Sloka 5 Nama 43 one who supports the world.
APRAMEYA - Sloka 6 Nama 46 beyond logical explanation.
PADMANABHA - Sloka 6 Nama 48 the lotus from the naval. Pushkaram, Pundareekam, Padmam, Chakram are all counts of numbers like ten, hundred, thousand, etc. Padmam is hundred thousand crores or a trillion. The age of the earth is estimated at about 4.5 billion years. Clearly, one is symbolically talking a trillion years before, the universe, the Milky way represented by the stem of the lotus and Brahma at the end of it, as the Solar System.
VISWAKARMA - Sloka 6 Nama 50 one who created this universe.
MANUH - Sloka 6 Nama 51 (literally), one who thinks of everything – He who dwells in all beings but is within them, whom none of the beings knows, where body is all beings, and who controls all beings from within, the inner controller-your own self and immortal. He’s never seen but is the seer, never thought but the thinker, never known but the knower. He is the inner controller (Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad chapter 3.7 23).
Prakriti, by itself is inert. Purusha, on its own does not function. But, when the two join life results and function in various forms depending upon the type of prakriti where Purusha has entered. The Purusha functions in the body he has entered as a spectator, permittor, supporter, enjoyer, the Lord and the Supreme self, in that order, depending upon the level of intellect Brahma Gnanam, attained (Bhagwad Geeta, chapter 13,21 and 22).
TWASHTA : Sloka 6 Nama 52 – One who destroys everything at the time of deluge (Pralaya).
5.1.2 And so goes an a number of Naamaavalis that follow. They all speak in general about the origin of the universe from that unique source, the sustenance, the age and its destruction. They also talk about the origin of life from this primordial source. Let us now see how far the modern science has been able to unravel this mystery.
5.2. Scientific Significance
5.2.1. As we have seen earlier, amino acids and protein constitute the elixir of life. Amino acids can be created in a chemical laboratory, but the problem is of protein. Proteins are perhaps a million type in the human body and one needs to assemble the amino acids like the building blocks, to make a protein, in a particular order, in much the same way as one has to assemble the letters in a particular way to get a word. For example, to spell ‘collagen’, a common type of protein, one needs to arrange eight letters of the English alphabets, in a particular order. But to MAKE the same collagen, a protein, one needs to arrange 1,055 amino acids in perfectly the right sequence. And the miracle is that it arranges itself, spontaneously, without direction. Yet, we are talking about several thousand types of protein, each unique and each vital to the sound maintenance of the body. A protein by itself, is no good, if it can not reproduce itself and proteins can’t reproduce by themselves. For this, they need DNA (De oxyribo nucleic acid).
5.2.2 The complete set of human genes comes packaged in twenty three separate pairs of chromosomes. Of these twenty two pairs are numbered in approximate order of size, from the largest (number 1) to the smallest (number 22), while the remaining pair consists of the sex chromosomes, two large X chromosomes in women, one X and one small Y in men. Each chromosome is one pair of very long DNA molecules which are long chains of sugar and phosphate, to which the bases are attached as side rungs.
5.2.3 DNA is adept at replicating. It can make copy of itself in seconds but can do virtually nothing else. So, we have a paradoxical situation. Proteins can not exist without DNA and DNA has no purpose without protein. Did they arise simultaneously with the purpose of supporting each other? (Bill Bryson, 2003) – What an exemplary proof of Purusha and Prakriti or Kshetra and Kshetragna!
5.2.4 There is something more to it. DNA, protein, and other components of life can not prosper without some sort of membrane to contain them. If an atom from a cell of our body is removed, it is no more alive. It is only when they are with in the nurturing cell, there is life. Without the cell, they are just chemicals. But without chemicals, the cell has no purpose. Everything needs everything else. And that is the great mystery of God. This Reality is indeed the Awareness.
5.2.5 Every scenario concerning the conditions necessary for life involves water but, to covert monomers to polymers (that is, to create protein), wet monomers alone are not enough. How and why it happens except when creating life on earth is one of biology’s yet unanswered questions. Yes, the protein and DNAs and their role for creation of life explain the significance of such names as Swayambhu, Aprameya, Anaadhinidhana Vishwakarma and Manuh, just to mention a few of the names.
5.2.6 The ‘Murchison’ meteorite, which crashed in Murchison in Australia in 1969, when analyzed, was found to be 4.5 billion years old and contained 74 types of amino acids, eight of which are involved in the formation of proteins found on earth. In 2001, it was also found that the Murchison meteorites contained some complex strings of sugar, called polyols, unique till then only to the earth. Such findings found supporters for the extra terrestrial origin of life, Padmanabha, the lotus stem symbolically comparable to the Milky way, extending life from extra terrestrial to earth!
5.2.7 There are views expressed both for and against, which organisms lived first on the surface of the earth, the unicellular protozoan or the bacteria. Columns of ‘stromatolites’ (bacterial columns) several meters thick present in very ancient rocks, or the blue-green algae, called cyanobacteria, which have contributed to the formation of ‘Banded-Haematite Quarzite’ of the Pre-Cambrian rocks, so commonly seen in North Karnataka (and commercially mined) are considered much more evolved than the cellular organisms, whose descendants we are. The blue green algae learned to tap into the freely available hydrogen from water molecules and released oxygen as ‘waste’, and in the process, invented ‘Photosynthesis’, which is the single most important metabolic innovation in the history of our planet. Gradually, life became more complex and created two types of organisms, those that expel oxygen (like plant) and those that take it in (like human beings)
5.2.8 Wherever you go in the world, what ever animal, plant, bacteria or virus you look at, if it is alive, it will use the same genetic code. The genetic code (barring a few aberrations) is the same in every creature. This means that there was only one creation, one single event when life was born and that all life is one. As Erasmus Darwin remarked. “one and the same kind of living filaments has been the cause of all organic life”. (Matt Ridley 1999).
5.2.9 V S Ramachandran, the internationally well known neuroscientist concludes his book on ‘Phantoms in the Brain (1998) by stating, “It seems somehow disconcerting to be told that your life, all your hopes, triumphs and aspirations simply arise from the activities of neurons in your brain. But far from humiliating, this idea is ennobling. Cosmology, evolution and the brain science are all telling us that we have no privileged position in the universe and that our sense of having a private non-material soul ‘watching the world’ is really an ILLUSION. Once you realize that far from being a spectator, you are in fact part of the eternal ebb and flow of events in the cosmos, the realization is very liberating”.
5.2.10 (How well this small treatise on the origin, age and evolution of life in this planet, nay, the universe has been so succinctly explained in merely attributing some names to the Lord of this universe is clear if the Naamaavali is again read, in the light of the above scientific facts (admittedly yet limited) known so far and the mystery of biology of life itself is still in the realm of the unknown and, therefore, in His jurisdiction).
Sunday, August 17, 2008
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1 comment:
Nice, excellent blog.
I have read the great commentary on the holy VSN by Shankara Bhagavadpada. I think that correlating the names in the holy VSN with the verses in holy Bhagavad Gita would give a lot of insightful ideas. God willing, it is my secret wish to write a commentary on the holy VSN, using verses only from the holy Bhagavad Gita. God bless you!
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